Procurement, tendering and public tendering – why award criteria are key

With effective procurement, we ensure, that the products and services procured optimally suit the quality needs and that they are at the same time the most economical choice.

With effective procurement we ensure, that the products and services procured optimally suit the quality needs and that they are at the same time the most economical choice.
Does this sound reasonable to you? You just agreed with a key element of the directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement.
But how can we achieve the best quality-price ratio?
How can we make sure, that the best offer can be found and accepted?
Whether you tender or not, the key element in procurement and tendering are the award criteria.
Make sure to: 
1.    Define objective economic and qualitative criteria
2.    Integrate your relevant regulatory requirements
3.    Present them as simple and streamlined as possible
4.    Conduct an objective comparison of tenders

With these award criteria, you already formed the foundation to achieve transparency, non-discrimination, equal treatment as required for public tendering by directive 2014/24/EU.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us.