Yahoo suffered the biggest hack in the history of the world in terms of scale.
It had an information breach that affected at least half a billion account. This occurred back in 2013-2016. The hack was carried out using the standard technique known as the spear-phishing attack.
Spear-phishing attacks are much more targeted and involve in duping particular individuals within a specific organization into unknowingly downloading malware onto their machines. These attacks are successful as they send customized, credible emails that appear to come from a trusted source.
In this scenario, the hack focused on two targets:
· The user database and
· The user management tool.
A backdoor account, along with other havoc, was created in order to perform the hack. However, all the accounts were eventually hacked and security breach was compromised.
According to the reports, Yahoo became a zero-dollar company to what it once was!
A big lesson to learn from here, 'keep your data safe'!